HWH At The Kingston Half Marathon!

Royal Borough of Kingston Half Marathon - 7th Oct 2018

RBK half marathon Oct 2018

Last weekend our therapists crossed over the river to attend the Royal Borough of Kingston Half Marathon

They were delighted to be able to put their skills and expertise to use, by providing much needed massages and advice to the exhausted runners post event.


It turned out to be a bright, dry and sunny day. Perfect weather conditions for running among beautiful settings, a historical market town, Kingston.

The course wraps its way through the town centre, along the Thames towards the magnificent Hampton Court Palace, through Thames Ditton and then back to Kingston to finish at the Market Place. 

Massages at a post-running event

What Our Therapists Say...

It was an early and crisp start for us, and obviously the runners, but the sun soon broke out and with a few hot teas in our hands we started to warm up.

It didn't take long for the first participant to get round the course in 1:09:54. 
Which meant very shortly we had a queue of tired legs eagerly waiting to lie down on the couch!

From the first massage at around 9.45am, Tor and I were flat out until just after 12noon, when the Market Place had started to quieten down and change back to a shopping area. 

It was a fantastic event to get involved in, to firstly help the runners and secondly to hear how well they ran. It's almost convinced me to enter!

Sabrina Rambohul


Do I need a massage?

Any advice/treatment from a professional such as an OsteopathPhysiotherapist or Massage Therapist can be hugely beneficial when training for sporting events.

The therapist will be able to identify any muscle imbalances, postural issues, movement restrictions, tightness or general niggles that you might be experiencing, especially as you up the intensity of training as the weeks progress. Their advice and treatment can help your body adapt to the training regime thus keeping injuries to a minimum. 

Massage by Tor
Kingston Half Marathon

And post event…

Don’t forget to book your post sporting event massage for the week after the race. Massage helps the microscopic damage to your muscles repair and will ease that post event soreness. Your body will need all the help it can get to recover fully.

We at HWH are happy to discuss your needs at any time.

For more information please visit our website:www.hamptonwickhealth.com
Get in touch at: info@hamptonwickhealth.com
Or call us on 0208 977 7412

Hampton Wick Health